Commitment The authors of Vaitari: A musical picture book from Kerala aim at making music also available to those children to whom musical participation is denied for a variety of reasons. The many benefits of music making have been the subject of numerous publications and conferences such as the biannual World Music Conference of the International Society for Music Education (ISME). At the same time, there is little progress on the grassroot level in many regions of the world due to lack of political will, lack of funds in public education systems, and inadequate training of teachers for this task.
While musical training is available to virtually all interested children belonging to the middle class of most countries, including India, a great majority of children all over the world have little or no opportunities to develop and share their musical talents.
For these reasons and motivated by the joyful response to the learning opportunities offered in the present publication on the side of many able children, those with special needs as well as their educators or guardians, we are committed to facilitating special training programmes for teachers.
Donations and proceeds from the sale of this book in excess of funds needed for new editions will serve to make such programmes possible in and outside India on a not-for-profit basis.
Donations Inquiries for donations and orders outside India byOrder e-mail
All rights reserved © 2020 | Art © Arun V.C.